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Frequently asked questions


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Is osteopathy safe?

Yes. Your osteopath has been trained to know that certain techniques should not be performed on certain patients. The osteopath will not do anything that puts you at risk. On rare occasions, an osteopath may decline to treat you for safety reasons and will refer you to an appropriate health person such as your GP.

What osteopathic treatment helps?

Osteopaths are manual therapists who treat the person rather than just the specific conditions. An example of this could be an injury to your knee might also affect the foot, hip and spine.

Will the treatment hurt?

No. It shouldn’t. You may occasionally experience a little discomfort during the treatment, but any time you feel uncomfortable and want the osteopath to stop, you are encouraged to do so. Everything during your treatment happens only with your consent.

How many treatments will I need?

This depends on many factors such as the nature of your problem, your age, your lifestyle and how long you have had the condition. The average number of visits is between three to six.

Will I need a GP referral?

There is no need for a GP referral to the Hadleigh Osteopathy clinic, you can book directly with us. Once you have been examined and a case history taken, it may be necessary to refer you to your GP for further evaluation before a diagnosis and treatment is undertaken or if treatment is not possible for any medical reasons.

Is osteopathy available on the NHS?

At present access to osteopathy on the NHS is very limited, but support continues to increase as authorities recognise the benefits of osteopathy.

Is osteopathy Regulated?

Osteopathy is regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), which maintains a register of practitioners. Only practitioners on the register may practise as an osteopath, thereby maintaining standards and ensuring safety of the public.

What should I wear?

The osteopath will need to be examine and treat your spine, it is best to wear clothing that does not cover too much of your back. Normal underwear is quite sufficient for the purposes of treatment.

Will I have to undress?

You will be asked to dress down to your underwear if you are happy to do so. This allows the osteopath to examine you globally and consider the relevance of different parts of the body. Any concerns you have about this will be respected. For more information see the page – Your visit

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